Squash courts are open!

From Monday 27th July the squash building will be open BUT with the following restrictions and advice:

  • Hand sanitiser will be provided for use by players in addition to hand washing sinks; a table inside the first porch with a spray is available and should be used on entry and exit.
  • Only players approved by club management to access the club: no guests.
  • Only courts that are booked using the online booking system may be used – members are not permitted to just turn up.
  • Maximum 2 players per court; doubles is not permitted and only one to one training allowed.
  • Showers and changing areas closed. The court toilet is open but should be used only as a necessity.
  • To reduce sweat droplets adopt the use of sweatbands and clean playing kit per session. Please also have a fresh towel every time you play. Wiping hands on walls or rear glass door is strictly prohibited.
  • Bring own fluids/refreshments and use only your own water bottle at all times. No use of communal sinks where possible. All personal ‘waste’ (empty water bottles, wrappers etc to be taken home).
  • Each player must separate their kit/personal belongings 2 metres from their opponents, do not take kit onto courts.
  • No outside shoes allowed on court – indoor court kit only.
  • No viewing allowed. Parents of juniors should wait outside in this initial return period.
  • Players must not enter the courts if they or a member of their family has been feeling unwell. Members are also requested to contact the Club should they feel ill or show symptoms of coronavirus/COVID-19 following their game.
  • Players should arrive in playing kit and no earlier than five minutes before the session start time. Players should exit the building immediately following at the end of the session, do not sit around. Please shower at home.

The advice from Squash England is that players aim to retain Social Distancing of 2m and they recommend:

  • Same Households / Bubble – can play full squash games.
  • Individual – can do singles practice or supervised by coach.
  • 2 members of different households (not in bubble) – only play the modified ‘approved’ squash games (socially distanced).

England Squash are going to build examples of games/practices online, currently they have published a “Sides” game. This is where 2 players stick to one side and play cross courts, boasts etc. One person only handles the ball and serves from alternate sides. They are intending to build more info online of socially distanced practice and games.

Enjoy the opportunity to play and respect all members; feel free to bring and use anti-bacterial wipes and sanitation material to help the cause.